Meet and Greet Weekend @ DBDO: 1/29/16

My first time doing a Reblog!! I just joined the party over at Dream Big Dream Often and I am super excited!! If you want to come and party to just click on the link below to the original post and come over 🙂 Make sure to Reblog the original post on your site as well. Not sure how this ended up on my old site? Anyway, be sure to stop over and join the party and if you would like to follow me on my new site just click on the link!! Thanks so much 🙂

New Followers :)

I have noticed that I gained some new followers on this site. Which is wonderful and I thank you so much for following and finding me in my little corner of the world!! Unfortunately, I do not blog on this site anymore 😦 I have moved over to I am still trying to figure out how people are being directed to this site so I can stop the confusion. If you would like to hop over to my new site that would be great!! You can click on the link above to do so 🙂 I have moved all posts from this site and have new posts on my new site. Again, thank you so much for following me and I look forward to seeing you at my new home!!


New Blog Header

I Moved :)

Hey everyone!! I have noticed some new followers on this site which is great!! But unfortunately I will no longer be blogging on here anymore 😦 I have moved to I have finished moving posts and I have been writing new posts on my new site. Sorry for any confusion but if you would like to come over and follow me on my new site you are more than welcome too 🙂 Thank you all so much for following me!! I look forward to seeing you at my new home!

New Blog Header

Whats on your shelf (new site)

Hey everyone! I know I said that I wasn’t going to be posting on here anymore but I wanted to let you all know of a new thing I started on my new site 🙂 It involves books and sharing our love of books so click here to go and check it out!! If you want to participate every month please follow me on my new site via email so you get all of the updates 🙂 Or if you just want to continue following me you can subscribe via email too 🙂 I look forward to seeing all of you at my new home!!

Whats on your shelf april 2015

For better or for worse and In sickness and in health

When we got married almost seven long years ago we of course included those words into our vows. “For better or for worse” “In sickness and in health.” When I said those words I never in a million years thought we would endure more sickness than health and so many hard times. In our marriage so far we have endured infertility, loss and cancer. Usually people endure maybe one or two in their lifetime. We got hit with all three. I feel like we were so naïve when we got married to think we would be able to have kids with the snap of our fingers and just have a “normal” life together. (They never tell you in your pre-marriage classes that really bad things can and will happen)

Most of the time I just go with it. This is our life and we deal with it. But then there are those times where it gets pointed out to me how many things we have been through together. One person said to me “If you guys can make it through everything you have been through together; you can make it through anything.” At first I thought “I can’t even imagine what else could happen.” Then I remembered something can always happen.

When we first got married I never dreamed that my husband would be the one to shave my head when I got cancer. I never in a million years imagined we would have to do some of the things we did when we were trying to have a baby. Between testing and procedures we were willing to do anything to have a baby. I never thought we would have to bury our son together.

From the crankiness on my end from fertility meds to staying by my side in the hospital for two weeks while I was on bed rest. When we lost our son we said we would never do things that we didn’t feel comfortable with. What I mean by that is we always make decisions about him or his things together and if one of us doesn’t feel comfortable we don’t do it. We have stuck with it and it seems to work for us. When I found out I had cancer and our daughter was going to be coming two months early we worked it out and dealt with it together.

I think some of the trick to this whole marriage thing and really life in general is you must have a little humor. Even though there was nothing humorous about the things we have been through some how we always found ways to laugh. Sometimes you just have to step back and let the other person freak out. I had many freak outs while I was going through chemo and dealing with our insurance and billing departments. I am surprised someone didn’t rip the phone out of my hand or the people on the other line didn’t hang up. For the most part husband let me have my freak out and then I would be over it. Not that we have mastered marriage by any means but we have learned a lot about each other and how to deal with each other. I dare you to not learn new and sometimes alarming things about someone when you are locked in a small hospital room for two weeks together. Lastly for the love of God talk to each other. I am not saying you have to have a huge therapy session every week but you need to talk a little. I am not one for talking about my feelings but you kind of have to a little.

From now on I am hoping we have more better than worse and more health than sickness. I know firsthand that isn’t always possible. But now I know we can get through it together.

“Life aint always beautiful
But it’s a beautiful ride.” ~Gary Allan



Here we are March 3 and it is still snowing and cold in Wisco. Ugh. Here I am wishing I could go to a warmer climate. Don’t get me wrong I really do like experiencing all four seasons and I honestly think that if I moved somewhere warmer I would so miss the fall and winter season. I am not very good at dealing with heat and humidity either. Check back with me in late July or early August I am sure I will be complaining about the weather. That is the beauty of Wisco we get to complain about the weather all we want because the weather is constantly changing and ruining our plans. There is nothing more heart wrenching than when you have a perfect shopping day planned and you wake up to freezing rain that turns into six inches of snow 😦 Shopping plans canceled insert online shopping/browsing.

Anyway enough about the weather and back to the title of this post. My definition of a staycation: A vacation one takes when one does not have the financial means to go on a real vacation or a babysitter. Of course after the tax fairy sprinkled her green pixy dust it was very tempting to say “Let’s go and do something!!” Instead our furnace said “I am going to break!” “Ha ha fools!!” Now we sit in a warm house (finally!) with nothing to do but stare at each other (boring!). Since we have been staring at each other since October I was thinking we should mix it up a little. I decided we deserved to have something fun so I went on Amazon and ordered a couple dvd’s and a book for myself. I thought that should be good enough until yesterday. My mother stopped over yesterday and we decided to order some Chinese food for lunch. After some wonderful food I opened my fortune cookie. I guess the cookie could read my mind because it said “You need a new environment.” “Go on vacation.” Wow fortune cookies get me. If only fortune cookies offered free vacations to tropical places.

Today after I came down from my fortune cookie high I decided to take my staycation. My staycation will involve my new book and playing with Avery. I finally broke down and got her a toy we have had our eye on. It’s the Leap Frog Mobile Med Kit. It is super cute and I think we will have lots of fun. If only it came with a blood pressure cuff because I would love to know what mine is when Avery gets behind the couch and calls people with my phone. Yes readers I have to hide my phone so she doesn’t call people. We have left messages of me yelling at her and her pushing buttons. Sometimes she actually gets ahold of someone but all they hear are buttons being pushed and heavy breathing. But I digress.

Since I am not a good traveler it is probably a good thing I stay home. I have mentioned before that I watch way to many murder-mystery shows which leave a huge impact on my imagination. I have flown once and went to San Diego with two of my best girlfriends. While we were innocently waiting for the trolley to take us back to our hotel from the Gaslight District someone who I am sure was going to kidnap us asked if we were going to Tijuana because there have been a lot of murders there lately. I wanted to say “Really Tijuana; I thought that was a family friendly place?” Thank God the trolley came and whisked us away from a certain death. I am so much safer in the comfort of my own home with an abundance of murder-mystery shows, books and movies.

What type of person are you? Do you prefer a staycation or a vacation?

Mobile Med Kit EditedBook edited


I cannot even believe I am saying this; but this ladies and gents is my 100th blog post!! Cue streamers and balloons. I really never thought I would make it to 100. I also never thought I would write 100 posts in five short months of blogging. I have learned so much since those early days of blogging. There is much more to learn and hopefully there will be some new and exciting things happening soon 😉 I wish I could say that I have a cool giveaway or something but wait; maybe I do. To the 50th person that reads this post they get; wait for it…. a brand new car!! Come on down for nothing. Because I have nothing. Sorry guys I am not cool enough for giveaways yet. Maybe in the near future. Check back at 120 or 130 to see what I have in store.

All kidding aside I want to thank all of you for reading, sharing and commenting on my blog posts, Facebook page, following me on Pinterest and even the Twitter. Can you believe I have 76 followers on the Twitter? For someone who still doesn’t know what the what they are doing I consider 76 to be a great number! I also gained another follower on Tumblr which brings me up to four!! I will give you a little stats knowledge about my blog. Since September I have had 3,471 views of my blog. My best day ever in the words of Rapunzel was 185 views!! There are tons of other stats that may bore you all a little (but are exciting to me) so I will spare you the short snooze and move on.

Before I exit I again want to thank you all for reading about our adventure we call life. As we are learning the ropes of our new “normal” I thank you all for coming along for the ride. I do have some exciting things to share in the upcoming days, weeks and months so stay tuned!! Of course I have some great posts on the back burner so check back for those guys too 🙂 Now that I am back up to full strength computer wise thanks to computer guy I can start accomplishing some goals that I have been working on so watch out world! Not to sound too sappy but this blog really was a wonderful dream of mine and all of you are helping to make that dream come true so I really can’t thank you all enough!!


Oh the weather outside

Stinks. That’s it; it just stinks. This post is going to be really whiney so if you are not in the mood for that maybe turn around and come back tomorrow when I think it is supposed to be 19 degrees above 0. If you are in the mood to listen to my gripes have a seat and get comfy.

As of right now the temperature here is -8 but with the wind chill it feels more like -20 to -30 below. Ugh. If it was January this would be somewhat acceptable but it is February 19 and I will not have this type of weather anymore. Do I have a choice? Heck no! Am I going to whine when it is super hot and humid this summer? You bet! Usually I deal with the weather because we experience all four seasons here and usually to the extreme. But in the past 24 hours we have had some happenings that I blame solely on the weather.

One would think you could turn the faucet on and water would come out; not last night. Pipes were frozen again. I learned my lesson from last time and I made sure to run the water periodically in said sink yesterday so this wouldn’t happen. I guess that wasn’t enough. Husband went upstairs to unfreeze the pipe with my blow dryer; soon after he came back downstairs with some bad news. The pipe was still frozen and my blow dryer became a victim of this cold weather. RIP Conair blow dryer from I would have to say circa 2002? It was a very faithful friend but it couldn’t withstand two pipes freezes in a row. So at 8:00 p.m. I was running off to get a new blow dryer and milk. In the end the pipe is unfrozen and mama has a new blow dryer with a diffuser!!

Last night we also decided that we should have our furnace cleaned. So I was to call the guy today. Husband had informed me that they would need to shut the furnace off so I should crank it up before they came so it would stay warm in here. I figured it would be a couple of days before they could come since it isn’t an emergency. When I called this morning they said they could actually come in a half-hour. Awesome until I looked at my house. Avery was still in her pj’s and I had tons of dishes. Oh and I forgot to clean the kitty box last night that is located in the basement. Crap. Literally crap. I first cranked up the heat as I was instructed then headed down to the basement for a quick clean of the kitty box. I swept up any litter that had spilled out because my dear Percy loves to kick a little litter out and then I sprayed the box with his cleaner so it would smell fresh. I decided to leave Avery in her fuzzy pj’s since they are so warm and I quickly did the dishes. I even fit in a little vacuuming. After all of that running around I realized it is downright balmy in here. How high did I turn up the thermostat? The guy is still here so we will see what happens there. We can never simply call the guy without something else happening. Usually husband is the guy but he is stuck working overtime outside in this bitter cold.

This morning when I was sleepily digging in the refrigerator for my milk I noticed that my hand had actually taken a dip in a small pool. Blurg. The fridge is leaking from some unknown place. This time I called personal trainer. After waking him up (Ah the retirement life) he informed me that he really doesn’t know too much about refrigerators but that I probably need to defrost it or worse. I blame this on this weather too.

Last but certainly not least my iPod quit today. I got the dreaded “black screen” I was literally just using it minutes before. So I decided to text step-son since he is the proud owner of an iPod to ask him what the what happened. He informed me that it needed to be charged and if that didn’t work then the iPod was beyond repair. Well, that was like taking a knife to the heart. I told him that I definitely had enough battery and his text back stated “I don’t know what else to tell u.” He doesn’t mess around when it comes to giving someone bad news 😉 I know I probably sound like a teenager when it comes to my iPod but I am a teenager when it comes to my iPod. My iPod is my life; it is way cooler than my phone and it has all of my favorite music. As of 10:10 I am still looking at a black screen and it has been charging since 7:30. Another victim of this weather.

I know you are probably all thinking “It could be a lot worse for you lady.” I know it could, but I think all of this being cooped up in the house is bringing me down. So I am going to try to look at the bright side. The tax fairy should be coming soon. Instead of getting that bright and shiny new camera I wanted I might be looking at a new refrigerator instead. Or a repair at least. With all of the banging going on in the basement I wonder if there is more going on down there than just a cleaning. But the good thing is that the tax fairy is on her way and husband is working so we will have a nice warm house and cool refrigerated items. I am not giving up on my precious iPod just yet. I still want to be a cool dudette with my iPod 😉  I looked ahead to the March forecast and it looks like around March 10 it might be 40 degrees. Oh the weather outside…..

Why do I live somewhere that you have to dress like this to spend time outside?

How you know you are binge watching a show

Hello my name is Autumn and I am a binge watcher of television shows. I really don’t discriminate I love them all. Right now I am in the midst of Breaking Bad. For some reason I am drawn to shows where people’s morals are being questioned. Maybe I am living vicariously though them. I am constantly gasping and saying OMG when I watch those shows. Literally on the edge of my seat people. I really thought my husband and I were the only ones that binged. Until one day I was watching a talk show and they were talking about people binge watching. I was happy and sad. Happy because there were other people like me and sad because I thought I started a trend and obviously I did not. Over the years I have been on many binges and loved every minute of it. Of course it started with Netflix then it went to DVD’s (not sure why because that isn’t the natural order; but whatever) then I got a DVR. Best day ever!!

Here are some signs that you are a binge watcher:

  1. You watch more than one episode at a time.
  2. You are seriously pissed when you go to the store on the day the DVD of said show is coming out and it’s sold out.
  3. Even in the midst of busy everyday life you carve out enough time to get a couple of episodes in.
  4. If you are binging with someone and all you have to say is “Should I?” And they know you mean turn the show on.
  5. If the person you are binging with skips ahead to the next episode with out you and it makes you want to claw their eyes out.
  6. When you secretly skip ahead and then watch the episodes again with your fellow binger to keep your nasty little secret.
  7. When the characters on the show enter everyday conversation. Whether it be with your fellow binger or just random people who really don’t give a crap about the show.
  8. The characters come out of the show and enter your dreams.
  9. When you start to think the show is real life.
  10. You start wondering what the characters would be like if you met them in real life. But you can’t meet them in real life because they are not real….
  11. If you have a weekend free you know it will be spent on the couch, binging.
  12. When you are forced to return back to the world and somehow you missed a huge world happening.
  13. When someone tells you about major world happening and your response is “Do you watch said show and can you believe how it ended?”
  14. You keep the script going in your head after you watch the season finale.

Now that I have given you some signs of a binge watcher I will let you in on some of the many shows I have enjoyed binge watching over the years. I am always here to help a fellow binger fall deeper into this addiction. Just a warning I am going to list some not so family friendly shows. These are shows that you watch when your children are sleeping or for some reason not at home. When those things happen indulge with a bag of chips, your favorite soda or glass of wine. You will need these treats to get through some of these shows.

  1. Breaking Bad- Still watching but I do recommended it if you are into a drug kingpin type of show and if you constantly want to say “I can’t believe they did that!!”
  2. Weeds- Similar to Breaking Bad but it also has some humor. You will love and hate Nancy the main character about 100 times an episode.
  3. That 70’s Show- Love, Love, Love this show. It was my first binge and I loved every minute of it 🙂 It is funny and has some teenage drama with a grumpy father figure (Red) and a hilarious mother (Kitty) A little drug action so not for the kiddos.
  4. Pushing Daisies- Out of the drug fueled haze and on to this awesome show. It was only on for two seasons but it is wonderful. I would have to say it really is unlike any other show I have ever watched. They are detectives that also work in a pie shop. One of the detectives can wake people from the dead for a short amount of time. You just have to look this one up; it is so worth it.
  5. Modern Family- Awesome show!! So funny and some times even a tear-jerker. (Cam and Mitch’s wedding; I still cry) Great show and totally worth the binge. You can catch reruns on USA and it is still running on ABC with new episodes.
  6. The Big Bang Theory- I was skeptical; I have to admit but husband got me hooked! Love Sheldon and Amy they are probably my favorites if you put a gun to my head and made me choose. You can catch reruns on TBS and is is still running on CBS
  7. The Golden Girls- If I have to explain this one we are going to have some issues. Just watch if you haven’t. I started watching with my Grandma a long, long time ago.
  8. 30 Rock- It stars and is produced by Tina Fey. Enough said.

So my fellow bingers feel free to let me know of shows that you think I need to binge on. I am always looking for a new fix 😉
