Just when I think I couldn’t love you more <3

Just when I think I there is no way possible that I could love you more you do something that just melts my heart. You always have a way to make me smile, laugh out loud and make my heart burst with love.

The way you organize all of your toys just like I organize makes me love you more.

The way you laugh and get the giggles makes me love you more.

When you come running up to me to give me a hug makes me love you more.

How we can just be silly together makes me love you more.

When you need your quiet time just like me makes me love you more.

Your love of books and how you want to read them all makes me love you more.

Even your strong will makes me love you more; that lets me know you will grow into a strong woman who can take care of herself.

Seeing you enjoy life to the fullest makes me love you more.

I am sure there are hundreds of other things that you do now and will do in the future that will make me thank God you are in my life and that I get to be your momma. You are always keeping me guessing and just when I think me heart is full you do something that makes me love you more ❤

Even when you sleep you make me laugh 🙂