Meet and Greet Weekend @ DBDO: 1/29/16

My first time doing a Reblog!! I just joined the party over at Dream Big Dream Often and I am super excited!! If you want to come and party to just click on the link below to the original post and come over 🙂 Make sure to Reblog the original post on your site as well. Not sure how this ended up on my old site? Anyway, be sure to stop over and join the party and if you would like to follow me on my new site just click on the link!! Thanks so much 🙂

New Followers :)

I have noticed that I gained some new followers on this site. Which is wonderful and I thank you so much for following and finding me in my little corner of the world!! Unfortunately, I do not blog on this site anymore 😦 I have moved over to I am still trying to figure out how people are being directed to this site so I can stop the confusion. If you would like to hop over to my new site that would be great!! You can click on the link above to do so 🙂 I have moved all posts from this site and have new posts on my new site. Again, thank you so much for following me and I look forward to seeing you at my new home!!


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I Moved :)

Hey everyone!! I have noticed some new followers on this site which is great!! But unfortunately I will no longer be blogging on here anymore 😦 I have moved to I have finished moving posts and I have been writing new posts on my new site. Sorry for any confusion but if you would like to come over and follow me on my new site you are more than welcome too 🙂 Thank you all so much for following me!! I look forward to seeing you at my new home!

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Whats on your shelf (new site)

Hey everyone! I know I said that I wasn’t going to be posting on here anymore but I wanted to let you all know of a new thing I started on my new site 🙂 It involves books and sharing our love of books so click here to go and check it out!! If you want to participate every month please follow me on my new site via email so you get all of the updates 🙂 Or if you just want to continue following me you can subscribe via email too 🙂 I look forward to seeing all of you at my new home!!

Whats on your shelf april 2015

I am a dot com!!

Well folks it is here!! My website that is. My theme is in place and I have started decorating!! I have moved all of my posts and I am so glad that part is over!!!! There is more decorating and widgets to add but I just couldn’t wait any longer 😉 So my new home on the internet is here!! Now keep in mind I still have things to do.

I thought and thought about when I should share my new site. I had always planned to have everything ready to go before I shared it. Between Avery needing me and my house falling apart around me I realized it will take me a lot longer to move then I thought. So even though I am probably doing the wrong thing I am going to share it early 🙂 Last night when I started moving things I got a little nostalgic about this site and my old posts. I wish I could stay here but if I want to keep moving forward I need to have a site that is my own. Even though this is a very exciting news step for me it is scary too. I could fall flat on my face and have a sad little website that looks like a ghost town. I could lose all of my followers due to broken links or having to re-subscribe. Oh the thoughts I have had. When I first saw my new site I had a little feeling that I am moving in the right direction.

From this point forward I will not longer be posting new blog entries on this site. If you would like to come with me just click the link that I shared above and it will take you to my new site. You can still subscribe by email to my new site and follow me on Facebook and the Twitter 🙂 As much as I love my little spot on the internet here it is time to say goodbye to and hello to 🙂 Thank you all so much for supporting me on this site and I look forward to seeing you at my new home!!

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The times they are a changin’

Yes, my little spot of the internet is hopefully going in a new direction. After much research, thought and general annoying the crap out of the people around me I have finally decided to become a dot com. I am still in the beginning stages and it is far from complete yet but I am hoping in the next week I will be able to let you all see my new website. There is lots to do like transferring posts and making sure my site is user-friendly. I am hoping for a very smooth transition so fingers crossed on that one. Since I am not very knowledgeable on the tech side of things this could prove to be a very interesting time for my blog.

I have been researching like crazy for months and for some reason today I decided to take the plunge. The only problem is that I am barely able to keep my head above water. Avery was not the most excited when I was a little busy today so she decided to break a chair and dump a whole box of cereal on the floor amongst other things. Then of course the wheels started spinning and I was thinking that I made the wrong decision. Since I really don’t know much about websites I feel really lost. Maybe I am in over my head or maybe I am over thinking this whole thing and it will turn out great. Or maybe I will form a huge case of writers block and never write again and then I will be stuck with this website that has a whole bunch of old posts on it. Gah! Too much thinking. So I went for a hike tonight to hopefully clear my head.

After a great hike I decided that I am making the right decision for me and my little blog. Having my own domain name will give me more freedom to submit posts to other outlets etc. I will also just have a little more freedom in general. I am excited, nervous, confused and I have just a general upset stomach.

So now that I have totally confused you and probably given you some of my nervous energy I will drop a little knowledge on you. For now everything with this blog stays the same. I will be here until my new site is ready. When that happens I will announce it on here with a link and I will also be changing all of my links on social media to my new site. From what I gather all email followers will be directed to my new site. Of course I will welcome all suggestions on the new site. I really want it to be easy to use so if there are any problems, links that go nowhere or posts missing please let me know. I am going to do my best to make this a smooth transition and I am hoping all you will have to do is click like usual and get to my corner of the world 🙂 Thank you all for reading and following me and I hope you will join me on my new site 🙂


Ferberizaton Update

Looking back I realize I am not the best on updating about previous posts and such so I am going to do a little update on the ferberization situation or sleep-gate as I like to call it. I will throw in a couple other updates as well.

We are well into our ferberizing. It is not going well. Avery did sleep a good five hours before she woke up last night wanting to do her normal spa routine. As ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again” played in my head Avery was placed into her own warm snuggly bed and I retreated back to mine. To say she was upset is an understatement. There were books a flyin’ and words being said under her breath. I held strong until I had to get up and then she was released from bedroom jail. Much to her surprise she was not going back to bed but she was going downstairs to start her day. Another part of my evil ferberization plan. As of right now we are working on early naps before I cut them out completely. I am just not sure Avery is truly ready to go without a nap. If she doesn’t get her nap in she crashes out at 5:00 p.m. and then it really does get to be a late night so I am going to try napping around 11:30. We have also been spending tons of time outside and I think that does help too. The arboretum helped in getting her to sleep. Which was great but it only worked for the afternoon nap so I think we will try going in the evening. After we had been home for a little while from the arboretum Avery started pulling and itching her left ear. Great, during ferberization I gave her an ear infection. Then of course other absurd thoughts came into my head like she had some weird bug in her ear that was on its way to her brain. You know, totally logical things that could happen on an innocent hike. Luckily it was just a lot of wax. For some reason she had tons of it even though I had just cleaned her ears the day before. So to recap on the sleeping we are looking for a little more of this at night

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And a little less of this at night

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As much as I love that little face I need some sleep! Speaking of sleep for me I did find out that I have a sinus infection which is causing me to feel extra tired. Great. Better than the alternative though. So now I am on antibiotics and some new to me allergy med that has a decongestant so if some of this doesn’t make sense it is due to that. I get so loopy sometimes on cold meds it is crazy. So far this one hasn’t been too bad.  While I was at the clinic I was pleasantly surprised by the fact they were having a book fair. It definitely was my lucky day. I picked up some books for Avery and some books for one of the gift baskets I am going to do for the pig roast. I will definitely post pictures of the baskets when I finish them up. I also learned I lost one pound. Not sure how that happened because I definitely haven’t been full strength on the workout train lately. Between sleep-gate and my sinuses I just haven’t been working out as much as I would like to. But I am getting back to full strength because personal trainer wants to do a 5k this summer. Yikes! I am excited and nervous. I will be really happy if I make it through without being hauled off on a stretcher. Not because I think I can’t do it (well, maybe a little) but I am so accident prone. Stayed tuned for that one. I will either be posting a picture of me smiling or me loaded up into an ambulance.

Wish us luck with sleep-gate. I think we need it 😉 If you have any magical tips or tricks I would love to hear them. I feel like we have tried everything….

Ferberizing the “baby”

The past couple of weeks have been very exhausting. Between fighting off a cold/sinus infection that refuses to go away and Avery deciding that she would like her feet rubbed in the middle of the night I am a walking zombie. It seems like every time Avery sleeps I am awake with a cough or just a general feeling of crappiness. I cannot shake this cold for long so I am giving in and going to the Doctor tomorrow. I am sure I will find out I have some debilitating condition or cancer. Or the dreaded words “You have a virus.”

Let’s move on to Avery. Avery has this condition called I like to mess with my parents. For the past week or so off and on she has been running into our room in the early morning hours and wants us to rub her feet, hold her hand and general cuddling. The first couple of nights I fell for it. Of course I was thinking things like maybe she is sick or her stomach hurts. Then I got wise to her scheme. It happened one night as we were laying on the couch and I was trying to get her to go back to sleep. I turned on Modern Family because I was sick of listening to the clock tick. (We always end up with really loud clocks) I so happened to turn on the episode where Mitchell and Cam are “ferberizing” the baby. (Letting the baby cry it out) In the episode Mitchell is pretty much forcing Cam to do this while Cam lays sobbing in bed listening to Lily cry. I would do the same thing when we tried to let Avery cry it out before. There were other scenes in the episode that resonated with me. Like Cam sitting up with Lily and watching t.v. Ahem. So I decided it was time to “ferberize” my “baby” Avery was put in bed with her nightlight on gave her Deema doll and shut the door. She proceeded to cry like we were pulling her fingernails off one at a time. This went on for about an hour or so. She would take small breaks and I could hear books being looked through and toys being played with. Then she decided to try and violently open her door. She is not quite strong enough yet to open the door but she will twist and turn the handle like a mad woman. That drove me insane so I went downstairs. The noise must have finally woke husband up because he came running downstairs desperate for a nuk. In the past he has been the one that wanted Avery to cry it out but I guess he changed his tune. So he sat up and rubbed her feet and did all of the other things that she needed to fall back asleep. Blurg. Now they are both against me. Fast forward a couple of nights and we are back in the same boat. But this time something magical happened. I put Avery in her room and she actually fell asleep. I woke up a couple of hours later in amazement that she was still sleeping. I really thought I had something until this morning. Avery woke up just in time for what she thought would be a spa day/night. You know getting her feet rubbed, etc. I had other plans. Avery went back into her bedroom where I thought she would be a good little girl and fall asleep to the trance of her nightlight. Not so fast mom. It was the whole crying scene over again topped off with trying to escape her bedroom jail. Finally it was time for me to get up anyway so I paid the price and bailed her out of her bedroom jail.

You would think this is where out story ends but it’s only just beginning folks. I am still going to try and “ferberize” the “baby” but with a twist. I am going to exhaust her until she can’t keep her little eyes open anymore. My first step was to take her to the arboretum this morning for her first official hike. We had a lot of fun and she started yawning half-way through the hike. Score! Well, it wasn’t much of a hike but I have to say she did really good and had lots of fun 🙂 I guess you will have to stay tuned for tonight’s results.

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Today was going to be the day that I was going to take pictures and hit publish on a post I have been working on about my yard. I am super excited about the things that are coming up and some plans I have for flower beds. Since our yard is new to me it is fun to see what is all coming up this Spring.

This morning I woke up to snow. Omg! This stuff will not go away. We had some much needed rain all day yesterday and some time during the night it changed over to heavy and wet snow. I see everyone else is boycotting shoveling so I am glad we are all on the same page. Shoveling in October stinks. Shoveling in April is depressing. From what I understand we are to have highs in the 60’s this weekend so hopefully we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I decided to go out and take some pictures of the plants that are peeking out of the snow and the general messiness. It was literally raining melting snow on my head when I went out. Since there is so much slush it is like walking in a kiddie pool. Blurg. One of the spots I am planning on making into a nice flower bed looks like it has a moat around it. I guess that is what happens when you buy a house at the bottom of a hill (again) We must love a wet basement and a soggy yard. Of course Percy has to walk in the water in the basement so there are dirty kitty tracks all over the dining room floor. I thought cats didn’t like water? Even Avery is looking out the window like “What the what?” She has so been enjoying her time outside so I am sure this snow puts a damper on her plans to get muddy and run around like a wild animal.

Even though this snow literally takes the wind out of my sails (no hiking or digging in my yard) Well maybe not literally because I am not going sailing but you get the picture. Our neighbors to the South ended up with severe weather last night with some tornadoes. We are very lucky to not have that type of weather and of course we are thinking about them and wishing them the best. You can see the pictures I shared above that I took this morning of this white junk and I am hoping these will be the last pictures of snow for a while. If you have any pictures of what Spring is really supposed to look like feel free to share them with me:) I would love to see some flowers or a babbling brook 🙂 You can share them on my Facebook page Welcome to my World  or tweet me up on the Twitter to @6480Autumn.